
When should you get Beta readers for your book?

February 20, 2022 | The best time to get a Beta reader to read your novel

When should you get Beta readers for your novel? Not after the first draft, that is for certain. Really, not until you’ve written the first three drafts at least. When you’ve done all you can do to make your story the best you can, then it’s time for outside input (a.k.a. Beta readers).

Do you believe in Angels?

January 18, 2022 | Do you believe angels or spirits ever show themselves?

I once had an angel walk beside me and someone saw her!

Five stages that follow a writing critique

October 17, 2021 | Dealing with critiques

For writers, an important and essential tool for success is the critique. In fact, receiving constructive criticism over anything in life can be most helpful. Keep in mind there is a strong difference between criticism meant to demoralize and criticism meant to correct or offer another way of seeing something. Here, I’m talking about the constructive kind.

Ten Shows To Stream Right Now

September 20, 2021 | While books are wonderful, streaming shows and movies is also quite enjoyable.

Ten shows to stream right now: